The number and structure of staff

The average number of employees of Kubanenergo PJSC in 2018 was 8,611 people, which is 1.4% more than in 2017 The increase in the average number of personnel due to the admission of operational personnel in the areas of electrical networks.

The average number of staff in the dynamics for 2016-2018, people

Staffing level, %
Distribution of staff by branches of the Company in 2018, %

The staffing of Kubanenergo PJSC over the past three years has been maintained at a reasonably high level, equal to or more than 97%.

Despite the decline in the share of working pensioners (–0.3 pp), the average age of workers in 2018 compared with 2017 increased and consisted 44 years (in 2017 – 42 years), which is mainly subject to growth of the proportion of workers up to 25 years (+0.1 pp) and the percentage of workers from 25 to 50 years (+0.2 pp) over the past three years.

The Company's staff is characterized by a sufficiently high level of employees experience – 84.9% of employees have vocational education. This indicator increased by 0.4 pp over the past three years.