The main parameters of the Company's investment activities in 2018
Capital investment | Entering fixed assets | Financing | Power input | |
million rubles without VAT | million rubles without VAT | million rubles, VAT included | MegaVolt-Amper (MVA) | km |
7,727 | 3,911 | 8,076 | 355 | 582 |
Capital investment | Entering fixed assets | Financing | Power input |
The actual financing of capital investments in 2018 amounted to 8,076 million rubles, which is 32.9% more than in 2016, and 9.7% less than in 2017.
Commissioning of power facilities of state importance on the Taman Peninsula — substation «Port» 220 kV and 110–220 kV power transmission lines were expected in 2018. In the reporting year, Kubanenergo PJSC completed the construction of these facilities and received Rostekhnadzor approval for the commissioning work. Due to the unavailability of PKU Rostransmodernizatsiya, which serves as the state customer for the construction of power facilities, for setting up a 110 kV traction substation for voltage, the commissioning period of the 220 kV Port and 110–220 kV transmission lines were postponed to Q2 2019.