Bonded loans and credit ratings of the Company
September 20, 2016 the Board of Directors of Kubanenergo PJSC approved the Program for the exchange of Kubanenergo PJSC bonds of the 002P series (minutes No. 251/2016). On October 24, 2016, the program of bonds exchange had received the identification number 4-00063-А-002Р-02Е. The program provided for the possibility of placing documentary interest non-convertible exchange bearer obligations with mandatory centralized storage and total nominal value of all issues of exchange bonds, placed under the program of exchange of obligations of the 002P series is up to 25 billion rubles, with a maturity date that comes no later than 10 920th day from the date of commencement of placement of issuance of exchange-traded bonds under the program of exchange-traded obligations placed by open subscription. In 2017, the placement of bonds under this program was not carried out.
Also, documentary interest-bearing non-convertible exchange-traded bearer bonds with mandatory centralized storage of the 001P-01 and 001P-02 series, which were placed in 2015 under the Program of exchange bonds with the identification number 4-00063-А-001Р-02Е from 26.08, are in circulation .2015, in the amounts of 3.6 and 3.4 billion rubles respectively. Payments of coupon income were made in full within the prescribed period.
In 2018, based on the results of the open request for proposals of Kubanenergo PJSC, an agreement dated August 15, 2018, No. 293D/18-28 was concluded with the rating agency Expert RA JSC for three years. In the framework of this contract, in 2018 the rating was not assigned to the Company.